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Sync Metrics Export

This application can export various sync related metrics, which can be used to monitor the sync activities and status. Those metrics are exported to a file, formatted using the Influx Line Protocol.


Set the export metrics flag, in order to activate the exporter. The file will be written to the root of the data directory and is named .icloud-photos-sync.metrics. This file can be consumed using telegraf's tail input plugin. The following is a sample configuration:

  files = ["/opt/icloud-photos-library/.icloud-photos-sync.metrics"]
  data_format = "influx"

Grafana Dashboard

After importing the metrics into an InfluxDB through telegraf, you can use Grafana to visualize the data. The following example is available for download:


When importing the JSON model you need to provide an InfluxDB datasource that supports InfluxQL. InfluxDB 1.X supports this out of the box, InfluxDB 2.X needs to be configured to support InfluxQL.

Additionally you need to specify the measurement name, where the sync metrics are stored. For InfluxDB 1.X this should always be icloud_photos_sync (as this is specified in the Influx Line Protocol written by this tool), InfluxDB 2.X however needs to include the database and retention policy mapping in the measurement query. This could be something like example-db.example-rp.icloud_photos_sync, but depends on the DBRP mapping you previously created.


All metrics are created using the measurement name icloud_photos_sync.

The following fields will be written:

  • status: Provides a string of the current sync progress status. This can include:
    • MFA_NOT_PROVIDED (if the MFA code was not provided before timeout)
    • SESSION_EXPIRED (if the current session expired and needs to be refreshed)
    • ERROR
    • SCHEDULED (no previous run)
    • SCHEDULED_SUCCESS (last run successful)
    • SCHEDULED_FAILURE (error during last run)
  • status_time: Provides the time, when the status was last updated
  • Local and remote library state:
    • local_assets_loaded: Gives the amount of local assets loaded during a sync
    • local_albums_loaded: Gives the amount of local albums loaded during a sync
    • remote_assets_fetched: Gives the amount of remote assets loaded during a sync
    • remote_albums_fetched: Gives the amount of remote albums loaded during a sync
  • Sync metrics:
    • assets_to_be_added: Gives the amount of assets that are meant to be added after diffing the local and remote state
    • assets_to_be_kept: Gives the amount of assets that are meant to be kept after diffing the local and remote state
    • assets_to_be_deleted: Gives the amount of assets that are meant to be deleted after diffing the local and remote state
    • asset_written: The record name of each asset written to disk
    • albums_to_be_added: Gives the amount of albums that are meant to be added after diffing the local and remote state
    • albums_to_be_kept: Gives the amount of albums that are meant to be kept after diffing the local and remote state
    • albums_to_be_deleted: Gives the amount of albums that are meant to be deleted after diffing the local and remote state
  • Daemon metrics:
    • next_schedule: Gives the time of the next scheduled execution
  • Archive metrics:
    • assets_archived: Gives the amount of assets archived during an archive operation
    • remote_assets_deleted: Gives the amount of remote assets deleted during an archive operation
  • errors: Gives an error message for each recorded error
  • Warnings (see common warnings for context), gives an error message for each recorded warning
    • warn-count_mismatch
    • warn-library_load_error
    • warn-extraneous_file
    • warn-icloud_load_error
    • warn-write_asset_error
    • warn-write_album_error
    • warn-link_error
    • warn-filetype_error
    • warn-mfa_resend_error
    • warn-resource_file_error
    • warn-archive_asset_error