All files / lib/sync-engine sync-engine.ts

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import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import {iCloud} from '../icloud/icloud.js';
import {PhotosLibrary} from '../photos-library/photos-library.js';
import * as SYNC_ENGINE from './constants.js';
import {Asset} from '../photos-library/model/asset.js';
import {Album} from '../photos-library/model/album.js';
import PQueue from 'p-queue';
import {PLibraryEntities, PLibraryProcessingQueues} from '../photos-library/model/photos-entity.js';
import {getLogger} from '../logger.js';
// Helpers extending this class
import {getProcessingQueues, resolveHierarchicalDependencies} from './helpers/diff-helpers.js';
import {convertCPLAssets, convertCPLAlbums} from './helpers/fetchAndLoad-helpers.js';
import {addAsset, writeAssets} from './helpers/write-assets-helpers.js';
import {addAlbum, compareQueueElements, removeAlbum, sortQueue, writeAlbums} from './helpers/write-albums-helper.js';
import {SyncApp} from '../../app/icloud-app.js';
import {iCPSError} from '../../app/error/error.js';
import {SYNC_ERR} from '../../app/error/error-codes.js';
 * This class handles the photos sync
export class SyncEngine extends EventEmitter {
     * Default logger for the class
    protected logger = getLogger(this);
     * The iCloud connection
    icloud: iCloud;
     * The local PhotosLibrary
    photosLibrary: PhotosLibrary;
     * A queue containing all pending asset downloads, in order to limit download threads
     * Initialized in writeAssets()
    downloadQueue: PQueue;
     * The number of concurrent download threads
    downloadCCY: number;
     * If the sync experiences an expected / recoverable error (e.g. after 1hr the cookies need to be refreshed), how often should the tool retry
     * Set this to -1 if retry should happen infinitely
    maxRetry: number;
     * Creates a new sync engine from the previously created objects and CLI options
     * @param app - The application object, holding references to the iCloud object, the Photos Library object and CLI options
    constructor(app: SyncApp) {
        this.icloud = app.icloud;
        this.photosLibrary = app.photosLibrary;
        this.downloadCCY = app.options.downloadThreads;
        this.maxRetry = app.options.maxRetries;
     * Performs the sync and handles all connections
     * @returns A list of assets as fetched from the remote state. It can be assumed that this reflects the local state (given a warning free execution of the sync)
    async sync(): Promise<[Asset[], Album[]]> {`Starting sync`);
        let retryCount = 0;
        while (this.maxRetry > retryCount) {
  `Performing sync, try #${retryCount}`);
            const [remoteAssets, remoteAlbums, localAssets, localAlbums] = await this.fetchAndLoadState();
            const [assetQueue, albumQueue] = await this.diffState(remoteAssets, remoteAlbums, localAssets, localAlbums);
            try {
                await this.writeState(assetQueue, albumQueue);
      `Completed sync!`);
                return [remoteAssets, remoteAlbums];
            } catch (err) {
                // Checking if we should retry
      `Detected recoverable error: ${err.message}`);
                this.emit(SYNC_ENGINE.EVENTS.RETRY, retryCount);
                await this.prepareRetry();
        // We'll only reach this, if we exceeded retryCount
        throw new iCPSError(SYNC_ERR.MAX_RETRY)
     * Checks if a given AxiosError can be seen as 'fatal' in the context of a sync
     * @param err - An error that was thrown during 'writeState()'
     * @throws If a fatal error occurred that should NOT be retried
    checkFatalError(err: any): boolean {
        if (err.code === `ERR_BAD_RESPONSE`) {
            this.logger.debug(`Bad server response (${err.response?.status}), refreshing session...`);
            return false;
        if (err.code === `ERR_BAD_REQUEST`) {
            this.logger.debug(`Bad request ${err.response?.status}, refreshing session...`);
            return false;
        if (err.code === `EAI_AGAIN`) {
            this.logger.debug(`iCloud DNS record expired, refreshing session...`);
            return false;
        throw new iCPSError(SYNC_ERR.UNKNOWN_SYNC)
     * Prepares the sync engine for a retry, by emptying the queue and refreshing iCloud cookies
    async prepareRetry() {
        this.logger.debug(`Preparing retry...`);
        if (this.downloadQueue) {
            if (this.downloadQueue.size > 0) {
      `Error occurred with ${this.downloadQueue.size} asset(s) left in the download queue, clearing queue...`);
            if (this.downloadQueue.pending > 0) {
      `Error occurred with ${this.downloadQueue.pending} pending job(s), waiting for queue to settle...`);
                await this.downloadQueue.onIdle();
                this.logger.debug(`Queue has settled!`);
        this.logger.debug(`Refreshing iCloud connection`);
        const iCloudReady = this.icloud.getReady();
        await iCloudReady;
     * This function fetches the remote state and loads the local state from disk
     * @returns A promise that resolve once the fetch was completed, containing the remote & local state - remote album state is in order
    async fetchAndLoadState(): Promise<[Asset[], Album[], PLibraryEntities<Asset>, PLibraryEntities<Album>]> {
        const [remoteAssets, remoteAlbums, localAssets, localAlbums] = await Promise.all([
                .then(([cplAssets, cplMasters]) => SyncEngine.convertCPLAssets(cplAssets, cplMasters)),
                .then(cplAlbums => SyncEngine.convertCPLAlbums(cplAlbums)),
        this.emit(SYNC_ENGINE.EVENTS.FETCH_N_LOAD_COMPLETED, remoteAssets.length, remoteAlbums.length, Object.keys(localAssets).length, Object.keys(localAlbums).length);
        return [remoteAssets, remoteAlbums, localAssets, localAlbums];
    // From ./helpers/fetchAndLoad-helpers.ts
    static convertCPLAlbums = convertCPLAlbums;
    static convertCPLAssets = convertCPLAssets;
     * This function diffs the provided local state with the given remote state
     * @param remoteAssets - An array of all remote assets
     * @param remoteAlbums - An array of all remote albums
     * @param localAssets - A list of local assets
     * @param localAlbums - A list of local albums
     * @returns A promise that, once resolved, will contain processing queues that can be used in order to sync the remote state.
    async diffState(remoteAssets: Asset[], remoteAlbums: Album[], localAssets: PLibraryEntities<Asset>, localAlbums: PLibraryEntities<Album>): Promise<[PLibraryProcessingQueues<Asset>, PLibraryProcessingQueues<Album>]> {
        this.emit(SYNC_ENGINE.EVENTS.DIFF);`Diffing state`);
        const [assetQueue, albumQueue] = await Promise.all([
            this.getProcessingQueues(remoteAssets, localAssets),
            this.getProcessingQueues(remoteAlbums, localAlbums),
        const resolvedAlbumQueue = this.resolveHierarchicalDependencies(albumQueue, localAlbums);
        return [assetQueue, resolvedAlbumQueue];
    // From ./helpers/diff-helpers.ts
    resolveHierarchicalDependencies = resolveHierarchicalDependencies;
    getProcessingQueues = getProcessingQueues;
     * Takes the processing queues and performs the necessary actions to write them to disk
     * @param assetQueue - The queue containing assets that need to be written to, or deleted from disk
     * @param albumQueue - The queue containing albums that need to be written to, or deleted from disk
     * @returns A promise that will settle, once the state has been written to disk
    async writeState(assetQueue: PLibraryProcessingQueues<Asset>, albumQueue: PLibraryProcessingQueues<Album>) {
        this.emit(SYNC_ENGINE.EVENTS.WRITE);`Writing state`);
        this.emit(SYNC_ENGINE.EVENTS.WRITE_ASSETS, assetQueue[0].length, assetQueue[1].length, assetQueue[2].length);
        await this.writeAssets(assetQueue);
        this.emit(SYNC_ENGINE.EVENTS.WRITE_ALBUMS, albumQueue[0].length, albumQueue[1].length, albumQueue[2].length);
        await this.writeAlbums(albumQueue);
    // From ./helpers/write-assets-helpers.ts
    writeAssets = writeAssets;
    addAsset = addAsset;
    // From ./helpers/write-albums-helpers.ts
    writeAlbums = writeAlbums;
    sortQueue = sortQueue;
    static compareQueueElements = compareQueueElements;
    addAlbum = addAlbum;
    removeAlbum = removeAlbum;